Becoming Your Best Self Should Be An Enjoyable Journey
“The secret of change is to focus all of your energy,
not on fighting the old,
but on building the new.”
– Socrates

for Housing
Veterans live rent free for up to two years, and possibly longer, by paying for their housing with EV-OL Coins. Coins are earned by participating in wellness programs. At EV-OL, putting time and energy into creating one’s best self is the primary focus. Once they feel better they will have more to offer to themselves and others. Additionally, our symbiotic community design means that each veteran works to better the lives of their peers, earning EV-OL Coins by ride-sharing, community maintenance, and utilizing professional skills like mechanics work, IT fixes, or providing haircuts.

Meditation &
Meditation and Mindfulness are both practices that we highly encourage. Both can provide significant benefits in working towards and achieving a greater sense of tranquility in one’s life. A study by the Journal of Traumatic Stress showed that meditation helped veterans to reduce their anxiety, limit their trauma reliving experiences, and lessened other symptoms of PTSD. Another study also showed that mindfulness provided many similar benefits. These are simple practices that people can integrate into their day to day lives that can yield a greater level of happiness and comfort.

Yoga &
Yoga promotes physical fitness and flexibility, as well as encouraging mental relaxation. According to Dr. Herbert Benson, founder of Harvard’s Mind/Body Institute, yoga releases neurochemicals that aid the mind in various ways. Veterans have claimed to have greater clarity of thought, increased concentration, better sleeping, and improved abilities in managing frustration and anger with a consistent yoga practice. We also provide other fitness practices like Tai Chi and access to gym facilities where veterans can work on cardio and strength training exercises. Exercise is necessary for brain health.

Whole Health
VA Program
“Whole Health, also known as ‘Personalized, Proactive, Patient-driven Care’ is an approach to health care that empowers and equips people to take charge of their health and well-being and to live their lives to the fullest.” Defined as including “qualities of compassion, empathy, and responsiveness to the needs, values and expressed preferences of the individual patient.” CLICK link for complete program.

Nutrition &
By now, it is well known that our diet is the largest contributing factor to our wellness. Many veterans suffer from chronic pain, which can be mitigated by avoiding inflammatory foods. Additionally, food like fish and poultry contain tryptophan, an amino acid, which when combined with healthy carbohydrates helps our body produce serotonin, allowing for a feeling of wellbeing. Learning healthy and easy recipes is not only a tool for success, but it’s also fun.

Gardening provides many benefits. It is a great way for our veterans to socialize and build relationships that strengthen a sense of community. Gardening also encourages healthier eating, which is part of the VA’s “Whole Health” wellness approach. Additionally, research from Bristol University and University College London indicates that “friendly” bacteria are found in many soils, which trigger the release of serotonin, helping to counter depression.
“I cannot express in words what I remember about the fall day in Iraq 18 months ago when a roadside bomb and then a heart attack left me with shrapnel wounds and brain damage.” The 26-year-old veteran is no longer able to eat, walk or talk. But he can pick up a paint brush. When he does, his father sees in the former Army sergeant’s face glimmers of memory and healing as he seeks to paint his thoughts on blank paper. “I can tell by his expression he’s enjoying it,” Ed Edmondson said of the art therapy. “I don’t care what it looks like. It’s beautiful to me.”
– From The Washington Post, April 15, 2007: Eric Edmondson, veteran

Art &
Music Therapy
Veterans often struggle to communicate the thoughts, feelings, and memories associated with service. Emotions should not be left to fester inside the body and mind, and art and music provide an outlet. They are also effective at reducing stress, anxiety, and behaviors that interfere with emotional and cognitive functioning. Lastly, they increase feelings of self-worth and self-esteem.

Photography &
Post Production
Veterans can use photography to tell their story in order to help them heal. Then, they can capture the images that convey their transformation . Photography allows veterans to achieve a flow state, immersing themselves in the world inside the lens and focusing on subjects that inspire healing and happiness. Finding the beauty around us elicits a feeling of calm serenity.

Outdoor Recreation / Ecotherapy
Going on outdoor adventures is an excellent way to foster social connections. The VA, Sierra Club, and the University of Michigan conducted research which found a link between outdoor activities and long-term psychological well-being. One of our EV-OL life mantras is “Go Outside to Get Inside,” because nature is good for the soul as it inspires a sense of awe and appreciation.

A survey conducted by the National Foundation for Credit Counseling found that veterans are 24% more likely than civilians to have debt carried over from one month to the next. There is no doubt that veterans have just as much capacity to be as financially well-versed as civilians; they simply need the knowledge. Civilian life comes with many financial responsibilities that veterans must be prepared for. Personal finance skills help veterans achieve success and independence.

Small Business
Veterans struggle with a sense of purpose after leaving service, and exploring entrepreneurship can help them find purpose once again. Veterans make excellent business owners. Military.com lists the five most important attributes veterans possess for entrepreneurial success as top-notch teamwork, superior leadership skills, discipline, performance under pressure, and a willingness to sacrifice. We cannot wait to see the thriving businesses that begin within our EV-OL community.

If we need to make a living we may as well make a living helping to make a difference. Between 25 to 33% of every bite we take has been pollinated by bees and unfortunately their populations are rapidly declining. Being a Hive Hero is a noble endeavor, and it’s not just good for the bees and our food supply. Veterans report improved social connections, decreased depression, and a reduced need for medication and therapy. Beekeeping requires little startup costs, decent profits, and only light labor for success.